We are an independent member-driven state party. Our image reflects the majestic Cascade Mountain Range – uniting Eastern and Western Washington.
Our mission is to be the party of free speech and offer a new voice to the people of Washington at all levels of government. We invite you, whether you live in a small town or an urban center, to join us to become engaged by using our private social network and attending open in-person meetings.
We understand, appreciate and promote wealth creation and success. We recognize the role of markets and trade’s role in our prosperity, while acknowledging government’s role in cultivating a fair and efficient economy. Government has an obligation to find solutions to poverty and homelessness and protect its citizens.
We believe government can only be accountable to citizens if it is transparent. We support open government and all prudent actions that increase transparency. We reject any constructs that work to obscure the truth from citizens.
Housing: We prioritize affordable home ownership by increasing the supply of housing by reducing regulations and fostering market incentives.
Public Safety: We prioritize safe communities. When an individual’s behavioral crisis threatens community safety, the government should intervene in a way that balances assistance with enforcement. We support funding law enforcement and diversion programs such as drug courts and crisis counseling.
Accountable Governance: We support proportional representation at all levels of government. We support our state redistricting commission process. We support current state rules mandating public disclosure on campaign advertising and advocate expansion to federal elections. We support fair elections without government interference or favoritism.
We support a state constitutional amendment for the Merit System to appoint judges — where the governor nominates candidates who are confirmed by a 60 percent majority vote of the state senate.
We support term limits for state executive elected positions.
Agriculture: We believe food production is a common good. Therefore, we support advancing farming at all levels. We encourage policy to foster Washington family farms.
Environment: We are a party of conservation and preservation. We support the state acquiring land from willing sellers to benefit the public trust. We support restoring natural environments and resources.
Energy: We support energy independence and a market-driven solutions to meet our energy needs. We believe maintaining current hydropower dams is key to low-cost energy independence.
Health Care: We support a competitive, affordable and a higher quality transparent healthcare provider market. We advocate for transparent pricing for medical services. We support universal coverage.
Education: We support quality education at all levels.
We support enhancing the efficiency of public education funding, increasing local oversight of funding distribution, and fully funding education. We advocate for the removal of socio-economic and other barriers to post-secondary success in college, trade and workforce pathways. We value school choice while promoting high academic standards in local districts. We also support proven early enrichment programs such as the federal early education program “Head Start” and the high school and college dual credit program “Running Start” and education services that support students' lifelong learning and prosperity.
Transportation: We support building a sustainable, efficient and accessible infrastructure to support economic growth and environmental goals. We prioritize reducing traffic congestion, promoting emerging transportation options and enhancing safety for all road users. We support an exemption to the Jones Act for the Washington State Ferry system.
Taxes: We support state preemption of local excise taxes or sales taxes on specific products.
PO Box 28004
Seattle, WA 98118