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Cascade Party Position of Support for SODA Bill Passage.

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Krist Novoselić — Chair Cascade Party • September 18, 2024

Yesterday, in a 8 to 1 vote, The Seattle City Council passed CB 120835, the Stay Out of Drug Area (SODA) bill. This legislation is needed to protect our communities from the effects of public drug abuse, deadly overdoses and drug dealing crime.

Cascade Party stands for social good and commends the council for passing the SODA bill.

The SODA zone is a form of restraining order to keep illicit drugs out of hot spots. It’s about dealers who prey on drug addicts. Opponents of SODA claim drug dealers are themselves victims. But dealing drugs in our open spaces should be unacceptable under all circumstances. Irrespective of events that led these dealers down a criminal path, it is still true that they enable addiction and exploit the vulnerable, negatively impacting our business community and make living in Seattle both unappealing and unsafe.

Keeping street dealers out of drug hot spots also disrupts the supply chain for gangs and other organized crime profiting from the situation.

The bill that passed is clear on its necessity;

Restraining Order

The SODA zone is like a restraining order to keep illicit drugs like fentanyl out of the hot spots;

Due Process for Defendants

The legislation states,

“Upon request for modification or termination of any order the court shall consider the requested modification or termination by allowing for a process by which the person subject to the order can provide relevant testimony or other evidence in support of the request.”

Defendants in a SODA action can plea to the judge based on their character. Unfortunately, many of the people facing an order will likely already have well-established criminal records. The SODA zone is intended to make areas with the highest level of crime and criminality unappealing to those already caught in a web of legal trouble. The best course for individuals subject to SODA action is to leave that lifestyle behind and to seek help.

Here is the alternative:

Any SODA order shall describe the prohibited SODA zone determined by the court and shall conspicuously state: “WARNING: Violation of this order is a gross misdemeanor subject to a maximum penalty of 364 days in jail and/or a $5,000 fine. A person found in violation of this order is subject to arrest under Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 12A.21.”

Unless a judge orders otherwise, the SODA order lasts for two years. This is plenty of time for people who used to live in the underworld of fentanyl and drug dealing to put the lives they lived in SODA zones behind them and start anew away from depravity.


For the community at-large, this action to implement SODA does not stop us from continuing to pursue other paths for treating addictions and opportunities to change course for those caught up in dysfunctional lives. In the meantime, something needs to be done to ensure Seattle continues to be an area that grows and thrives and not be defined by its worst areas.

We all contribute to livability by respecting others in public. The sad truth is: The drug abuse epidemic has resulted in too many living —and dying— all over everybody else. Open air drug markets drag our common spaces down. There is no established legal right for people to sell illicit drugs in public. The disrespect to the public at large needs to stop and SODA — which targets drug dealers — is part of the solution.

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